Catellano English Eslovaco
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Empresa Productos Contacto

The manufacture of veneered boards makes it possible to optimise the yield from the timber-yielding resources used in their manufacture, as, to a great extent, the raw materials used come from the machined waste from other industries (saw-milling and second transformation) and forest treatment (pruning and clearing).

Pulse para ver el certificado ISO 14001 It contributes to the recycling of waste and, in consequence, collaborates in the protection of the forest canopy and participates in the sustainable management of woodland, as well as in energy savings, resulting in the preservation and maintenance of the environment.

The commissioning of our COGENERATING PLANT for the production of electrical and heat energy, also contributes to the care of the environment, as it allows us to take advantage of the energy generated in our production process and reuse this, as well as offering a very competitive price to our customers.

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Pulse sobre la imagen para ampliarla... Pulse sobre la imagen para ampliarla...

ONTE San Julián de La Vega - Apartado 44. 27614, Sarria (Lugo), España
Tel: 982 530 026 Fax: 982 530 406 e-mail: br>
ONTE Slovakia, s.r.o. Orechová, 115 (P.O. Box, 24) 07251 SOBRANCE (SLOVENSKO)
Tel. 421 (0) 56 6981150 Fax 421 (0) 56 6981152 e-mail: -

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