Catellano English Eslovaco
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Empresa Productos Contacto

This factory started up in 1979 and has grown and been modernised since then to occupy a surface area of some 60,000 m², of which 32,000 m² are covered.

Pulse sobre la imagen para ampliarla... The installations house the panels and boards factories, equipped with the latest generation technology for wood processing, allowing us to guarantee the quality of our products, both in their physical and mechanical characteristics and in their finishes.

As well as our offices and warehouses, we have had a co-generating plant since 1998.

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ONTE San Julián de La Vega - Apartado 44. 27614, Sarria (Lugo), España
Tel: 982 530 026 Fax: 982 530 406 e-mail: br>
ONTE Slovakia, s.r.o. Orechová, 115 (P.O. Box, 24) 07251 SOBRANCE (SLOVENSKO)
Tel. 421 (0) 56 6981150 Fax 421 (0) 56 6981152 e-mail: -

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