Catellano English Eslovaco
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Empresa Productos Contacto

is a leading edge company in the European field in the business of manufacturing and selling wood-based products.

Our strategic decision to reinvest on an ongoing basis the profits we have generated has made it possible for us to be today a modern and stable company with a presence in national and international markets.

The strong growth in our production experienced over recent years has gone in par with the creation of jobs, the implementation of our Quality Assurance system and the concern for energy savings and the protection of the environment.

Main Activity
Manufacture of fine wood sheets and veneers on particle-board and MDF

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Pulse sobre la imagen para ampliarla... Pulse sobre la imagen para ampliarla...

ONTE San Julián de La Vega - Apartado 44. 27614, Sarria (Lugo), España
Tel: 982 530 026 Fax: 982 530 406 e-mail: br>
ONTE Slovakia, s.r.o. Orechová, 115 (P.O. Box, 24) 07251 SOBRANCE (SLOVENSKO)
Tel. 421 (0) 56 6981150 Fax 421 (0) 56 6981152 e-mail: -

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